We help you
perform better
Learn from our highly trained instructors, train in one of our state-of-the-art simulators, or play a famous course from around the world. We offer services for all players that want to improve their performance and develop more consistency.
Featured amenities
Trackman Simulators
Practice what you learn in one of our 5 TrackMan Golf Simulators. Get instant and measurable TrackMan feedback.
Putting Studio
360 sq ft. custom putting green with multiple slopes specifically designed for use with Putt View.
Work one-to-one with our certifed instructors to learn what aspects of your game you need to improve. Learn how to build a plan and take your game to the next level!
Club Fitting
Book a fitting to assess your current equipment compared to the latest techology. We combine our knowledge with top technology to help you find the best fit for your game.
More than 50 teams compete in winter and fall leagues. Prizes include free lessons, clubs, and facility gift cards.
Video Feedback
Every simulator has three different camera angles to provide an optional auto replay of your swing after every shot.
Mobile App
The Pure Drive Golf app provides color feedback for a handful of important parameters so you can quickly interpret the data on your own.
Virtual Golf
Play famous courses such as Pebble Beach, St. Andrews, PGA National, Royal Portrush, and more.
Our instructors
Simulator Rentals
Our TrackMan simulators are best in industry designed for performance and entertainment. Rent one of our spacious bays and use the time however you'd like!
Accurate club and ball flight data
Play famous courses such as Pebble Beach, St. Andrews, PGA National, Royal Portrush, and more
Performance features for competitive golfers
Book a simulator or lesson